
Saturday, 13 April 2019

18:00 Welcome reception 
(Registration opens at 16:00)

Sunday, 14 April 2019

Topic: Gas-liquid-like transition

9:45 Opening
10:00 M. Y. Hou Granular flow behavior under microgravity
10:30 I. von Borstel Granular matter in planetary science
11:00 J. Kollmer Sticky Photoelastic Particles as a Model System for Planet Formation
11:30 E. Falcon An instrument for studying granular media in low-gravity environment
12:00 N. Vandewalle Dynamic clustering of granular materials in microgravity
12:30 Lunch Break
14:00 W. Ge Direct Numerical Simulation of Particle-Fluid Flows - Effect of mesoscale structures
14:30 P. D. Yu
Magneticall Excited Granular Matters in Low-Gravity
14:50 R. Richter Coarsening dynamics of transient ferrogranular networks
15:10 K. Harth Granular gases of elongated grains
15:30 G. H. Yang Inclined granular flow in a narrow chute
15:50 P. Born Dense fluidized granular media in microgravity
16:10 Coffee Break
16:30 M. Dosta Multi-scale modeling of fluidized bed spray granulation
17:00 Y. R. Wang Glass transition and dynamic heterogeneities in monolayers of colloidal ellipsoids.
17:30 S. H. Xu Kinetics of phase transition with metastable state of colloidal suspension
18:00 L. Yang Origin and development of granular flow target
18:30 Dinner

Monday, 15 April 2019

Topic: Solid-liquid-like transition

9:00 K. Kroy Why is the desert not flat? The physics of air-blown sand
9:30 E. Parteli Environmental controls on aeolian dune morphology from numerical simulations
10:00 S. Herminghaus The great Gamsberg, Namibia: A Fossil Oasis from the Late Karoo
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 J. Zhang Slowly sheared granular materials in micro-g
11:30 M. Sperl Granular rheology from first principles
12:00 Y. J. Wang Plasticisty of granular materials
12:30 Lunch Break
14:00 R. Stannarius Hopper flow of complex-shaped and soft particles
14:30 S. Zhang The crystallization shell in hopper flow
14:50 K. Tholen Aeolian sand sorting and megaripple formation
15:10 G. Lu Granular phase transitions in landslides: State-of-the-art modelling of snow avalanches, debris flows, and rockfalls
15:30 M. Schröter X-ray tomography of sheared granular media
16:00 Coffee Break
17:00 T. Pöschel Selforganized structure formation in active granular matter
17:30 H. P. Zhang Data-driven quantitative modeling of bacterial active nematics
18:00 T. Kranz Trapped by memory: Bacteria & active colloids
18:30 Dinner

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Topic: ‘Micro’ - ‘Macro’ relation: From prediction to design

9:00 S. Luding Micro-macro: from particles to continuum
9:30 H. Yang Measurement techniques of particle motion in granular flow
10:00 W. Peukert Particles in contact: The key challenges in solids processing
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 M. Liu GSH: a bird's eye view of Geotechnique
11:30 X. H. Cheng Analytical Solutions for Shear Flow of Sand in Low Gravity
12:00 J. D. Zhao Multi-scale understanding of critical state in granular media as a jamming-unjamming transition: the signature of anisotropy
12:30 Lunch Break
14:00 I. Rehberg Magnetic granulate made of dotriacontapoles
14:30 K. Dierichs Designed granular materials in architecture
14:50 S. Völkel Dancing screw-nuts: From individual spinners to rotator crystal
15:10 N. Topic Shear-induced onset of particle motion at low particle Reynolds numbers: From high shielding to roughness
15:30 D. Wolf How agglomerates change: Fragmentation and sintering
16:00 Coffee Break
16:30 R. C. Hidalgo
Nature of the drag force acting on an intruder immersed in a granular medium
17:00 S. C. Zhao
Impact cratering in sand: solid intruders vs deformable droplets
17:30 K. Huang Wet granular dynamics: From ‘microscopic’ interactions to collective motion
18:00 Discussion & Summary
18:30 Banquet

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Visit University of Bayreuth
9:15 Shuttle bus to Uni. Bayreuth, lecture hall H27 (Meeting point: Reception)
P. Dengel
The Bavarian University Centre for China (BayCHINA): Contact point, sponsor and companion for Chinese-Bavarian academic cooperation
11:15 K. Huang Room acoustics: From lecture halls to opera houses
11:45 Lunch at Mensa 
13:00 Bus to the Bayreuth Festspielhaus
13:15 Visit Bayreuth Festspielhaus 
14:15 Visit Margravial Opera House Bayreuth
15:30 Bus to Train station & Hotel Goldener Hirsch

Thursday, 18 April 2019
