

  • Images from reality: These static snapshops of subduction give us an idea of how the solid lithosphere interacts with a viscous mantle. Computational Geodynamics tries to "animate" these static images and give a true understanding of the dynamic Earth. Apart from the technological challenge several important questions arise:

    • Do we need to include solid mechanics into convection codes?
    • Can we mimick the lithosphere with a fluid setup (higher viscosity)?
    • What is the role of elasticity?
    • What is the use of the Deborah number?

Cross section through the Center Mediterranean (Piromallo and Morelli)

History of the Deborah Number
  • Technological Challenge: A great number of numerical codes have been emerging that appear to be fit to model geodynamic problems. The use and purpose of these codes is often confusing. We want to introduce and compare different techniques in a "Hands on" fashion to elucidate their potential, their limitations and their need for future development to solve the solid-fluid coupling problem. This technological comparison should be useful beyond the problem discussed. We will discuss:

    • Standard Lagrangian Finite Element Approaches
    • Arbitrary Lagrange Eulerian Solution
    • Finite Difference Schemes
    • Variety of CFD Code
    • BYO (bring your own code for the discussion)

Slab subduction and mantle phase boundaries (Christiensen)

Topography and folding (Podladchikov) (5Mb)

Folding simulations (Schmalholz) (0.5Mb)

Evolution and structure of mantle plumes (by H. Schmeling)

Delaminating mantle lithosphere (by B. Schott) (4Mb)