******************************************************************************* 25th Course of the International School of Geophysics 9TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NUMERICAL MODELING OF MANTLE CONVECTION AND LITHOSPHERIC DYNAMICS (EMFCSC, Erice, Sicily, Italy 8-14 September, 2005) ******************************************************************************* Application form (* indicates required fields) First Name*: Mid: Last Name*: Position: Institution*: Address 1*: Address 2: City*: State/Prov.: ZIP*: Country*: Phone*: Fax*: e-mail*: I plan to attend the school ( ) for the whole period ( ) from ______ to ______ I wish to present a poster: Preliminary poster title: Fields and subjects on which the applicant is presently working: Three publications relevant to the meeting: I wish to apply for a grant for living expenses (No/Yes/Partial): For graduate students: Motivation to participate in the meeting: Name/Institution of the advisor(s): After submission of this form, graduate students should have their academic advisor send an e-mail to erice2005@ingv.it in support of their application.