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Colleagues and friends:

Erik Asphaug

Nikolai Bagdassarov

Maxim Ballmer

Bernard Bourdon

Nicolas Coltice

Fabio Crameri

Frederic Deschamps

Joanna Drążkowska

Thibault Duretz

Taras Gerya

Cedric Gillmann

Anna Guelcher

Martin Jutzi

Boris Kaus

Tobias Keller

Stephane Labrosse

Tim Lichtenberg

Hauke Marquardt

Dave May

Miki Nakajima

Francis Nimmo

Richard Parker

Alain Plattner

Sean Raymond

Antoine Rozel

Henri Samuel

Stefan Schmalholz

Harro Schmeling

Paul Tackley

Benoit Tauzin

Marcel Thielmann

Useful search tools:

NASA Physics Query

JSTOR Archive

Nice pages on the web:

Astronomy Picture of the Day

CSS Analyses in Security Policy

Explore Mars with Perseverance

Geodynamics workshops in Europe

JUNO - Unlocking Jupiter's secrets

LIFE mission - Characterizing terrestrial exoplanets

NEW HORIZONS - A trip to Pluto and the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt

ParaView - Great 3D visualization program

Stellarium - Nice open source virtual planetarium

The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia

VOYAGERS - Exploring interstellar space

Last updated: February 07, 2025.